Jun 18Liked by Paul White

But grit! And the will to win! And other such cliches.

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Jun 18Liked by Paul White

A set of insights on the series that I never knew. Is this similar to Gene Mauch in 1964 with Bunning and Short at the end of the season?

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Jun 18Liked by Paul White

Not quite the same, because 1964 was multiple starts, but the same sort of panic.

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Jun 18Liked by Paul White

Immediately reminded me of it

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I'd love for you to write sometime on the explosion of innings usage in the later 60s and 1970s. Why did pitchers then throw as many innings (or more) than many of the deadball era pitchers? How did Mickey Lolich throw 371 innings? I noticed that in the early 70s you could have as many as seven pitchers throwing 300+ innings, which was way more than the 1950s, when no one outside of Roberts hit that number. Why did starting pitcher usage rise and rise then? I get the tail off - the 80s and 90s give us the bullpen era, and here we are.

But those 70s numbers, wow. Lolich, Wilbur Wood, Jenkins ... some serious innings were getting put up.

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